I thought you might find the current contents of my notepad interesting. I had to make a few modifications to make it show the correct spacing (hence the dots for spaces in my beloved mini-charts). Enjoy, and feel free to comment and speculate :)
Potions are made using the craft of {minfusion{x. Each vnum has four v-slots which may be used to create potions of varying strength and effects. Not all potions can use all four slots: the number available is governed by the object's level, as shown below:
Level 1-30: v1 <-- at least weight 1
Level 31-40: v1 and v2 <-- at least weight 2
Level 41-50: v1, v2, and v3 <-- at least weight 3
Level 60: v1, v2, v3, and v4 <-- at least weight 4
Potions must weigh at least 1/10th of a pound (Weight 1) for each v-slot used. Different infusion ingredients will make potions different weights, some of them quite heavy. Use the {mingredients{x chart to find the weights used in your potion, and add them together to determine your potion's weight. Note that the level of the potion object and the level of the spells it uses must be identical, but that each has to be set individually. To do this:
TYPE: {Clevel {x<{C#{x> TYPE: {Cv0{x <{C#{x> This would correctly set
EXAMPLE: {Clevel 50{x EXAMPLE: {Cv0 50{x <--the potion's level to 50.
To set your potion's ingredient v-slots, simply:
TYPE: {Cv{x<{C#{x> <{Cingredient{x>
EXAMPLE: {Cv1 blood{x
EXAMPLE: {Cv2 aloe{x {m================================================================================{xhelp {mDrinkcontainer{x to continue or {mPill{x to go back
help {mOedit{x for the complete list of {mOEDIT{x helpfiles
See Also: {mhelp infusion{x, {mhelp ingredients{x
weight and armor: base weight for each wearslot: ac 0, ac bonuses with every 5 lbs: heavy items offer more protection: mages should be in robes, not platemail (unless magic...)
added containers which can't give more weight but can give more item space (ie quivers, potions)
have as best item for infusionists be container with space for limitless potions which will never break
corrollary idea: make containers break potions
to be decided:
.............plants minerals animals
fire water earth air mind
emotion shock acid sound blood
dex str con int wis
fire: color_spray burning_hands haste frenzy infravision teleport resist_heat
water: chill_touch lifetap sleep/freeze giant_strength refresh magic_ward breathe_water
earth: slow chaos weaken stone_skin shield earthquake
air: charm_person sleep levitate detect pass_door invis
mind: domination forget headache change_sex remove_curse vanish
emotion: sorrow betray sanctuary awe/calm curse
shock: energy_drain shocking_grasp resurrect cancellation word_of_recall
acid: blindness wither_limb cure_blindness destroy_armor blister
sound: sleep heal faerie_fog mirror_image
blood: plague fester cure_disease cure_poison poison
note: nothing grows in city, inside, underground, noswim
swim: shallow water
river: running water: add as a sector: identical to swim
lava: add as a sector: identical to underwater, except take heat damage unless has 'resist heat' effect
swamp: add as a sector: movement points 8, must be hot
....desert...............river...........forest.............field...animal parts....frigid/cold
things to use: fungi that drips acid
body parts
*charm person as a perfume, air as ingredients which are used for the scent.
make wild magic part of all magesmagic has % chance to go wild whenever casting a spell, chance to wildly cast wrong goes down as you gain in xp. or you can choose to have your magic become more and more wild.
wild magic: does more damage than a targetted spell, and has a chance to do it to everyone in the room. fighting alongside a wildmage then becomes risky, enforced by code.
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